Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney Located in Aurora

Workers have a right to be safe in the workplace. If they are injured on the job, they have a right to compensation for any medical care they need and any income they lose until they are able to return to work. In most cases, workers will receive this compensation through a workers’ compensation claim.

Aurora, IL Workers' Compensation Attorney


Workers’ compensation is essentially an insurance policy purchased by the employer for its employees. When a worker is injured while on the job, the employer is required to pay the employee’s medical expenses as well as a portion of his or her lost wages. An injured employee is also entitled to a permanency settlement once he or she reaches maximum medical improvement. Unlike a personal injury claim, the worker does not need to prove that the employer had any fault or negligence in causing the injury.


Because workers’ compensation works like insurance, both the employer and the underwriter often have financial incentives to avoid paying out a worker’s claim in full. They may question the need for specific treatments, object to long-term care or rehabilitation and question whether a worker really is too disabled to return to work. Often, they will require the worker to be examined by a doctor who is known to be favorable to employers.

In these cases of serious injury, it is important to seek a representation by an experienced workers’ compensation attorney as soon as possible. A seasoned attorney will assist the injured worker in receiving proper benefits while he or she recovers, assure that the proper medical care is being rendered and will secure a proper permanency settlement once the claim has concluded. Bennett Law Offices can help the injured worker navigate through the workers’ compensation process. Call Bennett Law Offices for your free consultation.

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